Isabelle Cory's age

Much is made in the bonus material on the DVD and in other places about 15-year-old Isabelle Cory, whom Melville found walking on the street. Yet IMDb shows her birthdate as 1929, which would make her around 25 at the time of filming. I'm guessing one or the other is wrong, that's what I'm guessing.


IMDB now (2010) reports her birth date as 1939.


She doesn't look that young IMO.
17 in release, 15 when shooting?


doesn't the voice-over say something like, 'some blossom early for their age'

would never have guessed she was underage.


She's described as a young girl who is advanced for her age.

I give my respect to those who have earned it; to everyone else, I'm civil.


"17 in release, 15 when shooting?" I'd say, since the TRIVIA section mentions that the film took 2 years to shoot.
