Mack Sennett + Abbott + Costello

It's interesting to note that Mack Sennett has a direct connection to four Abbott & Costello films. In "Here Come the Co-Eds" the soup scene is lifted from Sennett's "Wandering Willie". It's later re-worked in A&C's "Wistfull Widow of Wagon Gap". With "The World of Abbott & Costello", the narrator mentions Mack Sennett by name. And of course, "A&C Meet the Keystone Kops" is sort of a tribute. Sennett appears as himself directing a scene and is questioned about his authenticity by A&C. His response was perfect! We are also shown that the studio is "Mack Sennett Comedies" and a poster is seen of "Mack Sennett's Keystone Kops at the Seaside." Mack's rival Hal Roach always had the great fortune to be linked up with Laurel & Hardy. So in a small way A&C can be connected to MS as well.


Somewhat related, I really enjoyed Dan Ackroyd's portrayal of Sennett in Chaplin.
