Bob not on one episode?

It shows that there were 107 episodes aired of Bob Cumming's show. Next to his name on the cast list it states that he was in 106 episodes. Can anyone explain this apparent discrepancy?


IMDb now shows (more than 12 months later) that he was in 127 episodes. I cannot confirm that to be accurate, but have no reason to doubt it.


Sadly, I have discovered that IMDb is almost as unreliable as Wikipedia can be, when it comes to that stuff, in the sense that these episode listings have to be submitted bi individuals who know something about the show. And, with an almost forgotten show like this, a lot of digging would have to be done to know more about it. But, I will tell you this much---there were way more than 127 eppisodes made!

According to an interview by Ann B. Davis, there were about 160-something episodes made. And, Wikipedia does seem to confirm such:

Interestingly, in the 5 seasons, or 4 years that LOVE THAT BOB was on, there were more episodes being made of it than most typical sitcoms would produce, then or now. There were an avge. of about 35 episodes being made per season. Most shows do as little as 18 and as much as 25, but very, very rarely do I hear of a show making more than 30 shows a season! If LOVE THAT BOB had been like other shows in that regard, no more than 100 or so episodes would have been produced within that time-frame.

Please excuse typos/funny wording; I use speech-recognition that doesn't always recognize!


There were 173 episodes. I wonder who owns the rights? Among Antenna TV, Me TV and Retro TV, you would think someone would pick it up.
