Scariest episodes?

What would they be in your opinion. I've seen alot but the main 2 that come to mind are "The Man From the South" and "The Strangler" yours?

Thank you and goodnight


There are a lot of episodes I have yet to see, but I think 'The Cuckoo Clock' is probably the most scary one that I have seen. I am surprised that it has only been mentioned once in this thread. It is the only episode that has actually made me jump and yell out 'Aargh!'

I think the 'Gentleman from America' is a bit frightening aswell and 'The Waxwork' is also a creepy episode. I was disappointed with 'The Creeper' - after reading about the episode I expected it to be more scary, I found the ending very predictable. I would agree that 'An Unlocked Window' and 'The Jar' are probably the most scary out of the Alfred Hitchcock hour series.


Though The Jar & An Unlocked Window may be the scariest episodes of Alfred Hitchcock Hour, I'd argue The Final Escape has the most disturbing twist ending of the series (or in any series). Hell, it has one of the 5 bleakest twist endings in TV history, rivaled only by very few TV twist endings like Five Characters in Search of An Exit from The Twilight Zone, The Flypaper from Tales of The Unexpected, and Demon With A Glass Hand from The Outer Limits.


The darker the shadow, the more radiant the light it beams.












The scariest, I mean THE SCARIEST episodes are entitled:

1) Beta Delta Gamma

2) Fatal Figures

Do we really need to continue with this, People?


Several people have rightly so named The Glass Eye episode which introduced me to Jessica Tandy.

But in all 7 pages of responses no one has mentioned Poison.

In a tropical setting a man waking in bed feels a snake in bed with him and is terrified. He has to lie perfectly still to not antagonize the snake while a very skeptical friend arrives and then a doctor to try to either isolate the snake or prove its just another delirium tremor since the friend (Wendell Corey) of the man (James Donald)makes it clear that the man is a known alcoholic.


The Cuckoo Clock is often overlooked but scares me badly. Fay Spain (a little known B movie actress) does a MARVELOUS and menacing turn as a beautiful mental case on the loose.


"Lamb to the Slaughter " is my favorite episode. It's not scary, but kind of creepy funny.


For me, the scariest episodes are The Doubtful Doctor and other one is The Man with Two Faces....


The Man With Two Faces was, I thought, disturbing in its prosaic presentation of something much more serious and dangerous than a handbag theft. The absence of today's "bells and whistles" forced the viewer to pay close attention to everything. I missed the ending completely the first time;and even the second time I sort of made myself forget (if that makes any sense) so that I could be surprised a second time, and it worked. This is a solid piece of work. Excellent performances, too. The casting of hard looking Bethel Leslie helped enormously


I don't know if it was the scariest, per se, but the one episode that never left my memory was Final Escape.
