A canine analogy

Doris Day, if she was a dog, would be a big, muscular golden retriever bounding along the beach carrying a frisbee in her mouth. Frank Sinatra, if he was a dog, would be a poor,scrawny, shivering cur, snapping and growling. The fact that these two pooches got together and had themselves a pup still doesn't keep me from wondering how that marriage turned out! Talk about a mis-match! But then, there are women who need to fix things, to try to straighten out the 'bad boy', who see the whole world in a cheery, rosy optimistic glow and want even the downest of the down to see it that way, too. I wonder if Doris pulled Frank up - or Frank pulled Doris down - if they stayed married.


He may have appeared to be a poor, scrawny, shivering cur, snapping and growling to you, but to the rest of the female world.....
he was Frank "ole blue eyes" Sinatra; and we all lusted after him!!

Frank was sexy, charming, and alarming! The way he could undress a woman
with those eyes, and charm her out of her "goodies" with that smile, and then
promise her intimacy (check out: Tendertrap) as well!

Give me that kind of 'bad boy' any day!

Besides....Frank Sinatra was a lover not a fighter!!!

And if he didn't tap that....I bet Doris Day wishes he had!!!

