favorite line...

Borgnine is about to carve Cooper with the broken bottle, and Lancaster--thought dead by his gang--shows up. One says 'Joe! You're alive!', and Lancaster replies 'That's what the man said'. Whereupon Cooper slugs the now-distracted Borgnine, sending him reeling down the bar and through the batwing doors before sprawling in the street. Lancaster watches and says...

'Follow him, boys--we're leavin' anyway...'

also: 'Why not? That's his hoss you're ridin'!'

a personal favorite in my favorite genre

'Anybody else string with Charlie...?


'We all dream of being a child again - even the worst of us. Perhaps the worst most of all...'


I liked a scene that took place when they stopped in the town where the Marquis and his troops would run off with the gold in the carriage. Everyone's partying, and Charles Bronson's character is playing his harmonica(?) with the band under a gazebo. When the song ends, he fires off a shot, and says something like:

"Keep playing! I ain't never played with a real band before."

I laughed out loud. The character is making them play under duress, yet complimenting them at the same time.





'...You're back!' Hilarious...

'We all dream of being a child again - even the worst of us. Perhaps the worst most of all...'




Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious,and don't call me Shirley


'My old man always said the bottle could ruin a man', delivered with true menace by Borgnine.

'What does it matter what you say about people?'
Touch of Evil (Orson Welles, 1958).


Joe Erin: Ben Trane. I don't trust him. He likes people, and you can never count on a man like that.


"Ace lived long enough to know he was right. He lived thirty seconds after I shot 'im."
