"She has good features"

I am sorry but although written in a different time..i thought this movie's language was dated when written..when the DR. described the Indian woman who he suspected of being white in part because she had good features..it started a whole line of racialy insensitive dialogue that I could not accept...comments?


The movie took place on the Indian (WHOOPS! I mean "Native American") Frontier of the 1870s. I think the dialogue was entirely period-correct. When white and red man were in constant close contact, we did not have the sensitive dialogue we use today.

If you are too sensitive about the attitudes of the 19th century, perhaps you should only watch movies with a modern setting or modern fantasy interpretations of the 19th century like Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, where the dialogue conforms to current Politically Correct standards.


YOU are very insensitive, I DEMAND an apology before I retire into my Safe Space.
