MovieChat Forums > Them! (1954) Discussion > I need help! Please read!

I need help! Please read!

I am taking classes in college... we watched this film in my class. I missed it, although it looks like a good movie, perhaps I will watch it sometime. In any case, it would seem that a full test grade relies on this question:

Giant ants in the film Them! have found their way to the West Coast. Investigators following them suspect that the disappearance of two boys and the death of their father in Los Angeles may have a link to the ants. Eventually, they determine that the ants have been underground and may have emerged to from a large, cement-lined ___.

If you can fill in the blank, It will help me greatly. Thanks.


The ants take over the area around the Los Angeles River (the scene in question was filmed about a mile from where I work, btw) -- so perhaps "river channel" would be the answer.

About 90% of the LA River is just that -- cement lined and hardly worthy of the name 'river'.


Sewer outlet, is the word used by Special Agent Graham when he looks out the window of the alcoholic ward after Jenkins mentions the ants.


Storm drain


Coincidence ... or conspiracy? You decide!


Storm Drain!


...storm drain. Correct!


I call them "drainage canals". The same ones they raced the cars in in 'Grease'.


I had the strange experience of watching both movies, THEM! and Grease on the same evening and was amazed to see the same storm drains in each film. I believe these were the same storm drains which were in T2.


You are so right - those massive storm drains are used in soooo many movies. sort of like that building with the huge open atrium like middle and the fancy iron-work used in Outer limits, Blade runner and scads of other movies - can't remember the name of it though. Anyone???


To the person asking for the name of that often used office building, it is the Bradbury, used in, amongst others, D.O.A. (1949) and I, The Jury (1952). If you want to know more, take a look on Wikipedia.


It's the concrete flood control 'sewers' that are featured in many movies shot in L.A. The race in 'Grease' was done there.


If you are actually taking the test then it is too late to ask here. try to watch the movies you need to if you study Films in school

Oh GOOD!,my dog found the chainsaw


Maybe he stole a copy of the test or bought one and wanted the answer ahead of time.


If this is what 'kids' in college are studying, America's future is bleak.
