Why so old?

I've heard so many good things about Fellini, and La Strada was my first Fellini film. I wanted to like it; really I did. And I think I would have, had someone younger played Gelsomina.

I know that comes off as really shallow, so let me explain. I'm not complaining that she was no supermodel, or claiming that she was a bad actress; I'm complaining that I had no idea how to approach her character. Before popping this movie in, I purposely avoided researching anything beyond the little I knew about it, since I wanted to form my own opinions without being influenced by others. Because of this, however, I didn't know Gelsomina was supposed to be a young girl.

When I first saw the clearly thirty-something-year-old actress, I had no clue whether she was supposed to be a child or an older, mentally-handicapped woman. The younger siblings surrounding her suggested the former, but well, she was just so old-looking that it was hard to be sure. Besides, if she was supposed to be so young, why wasn't at least one person scandalized that this forty-year-old man was her husband? I mean, times were different and all, but really? And if she was supposed to be older, why would strangers treat her as if she were twelve?

The person I was watching it with was equally confused, and we spent the first half hour of the movie trying to figure it out. Finally, we just paused it and looked it up, but by then, the damage was done. Time that could have been spent drawing us into the story and characters had been squandered. Even after we knew better, it was impossible to see this character as physically childlike, since she looked old enough to have a daughter about the age of the girl she was playing.

I suppose it shouldn't matter; when you watch a naive, innocent person so broken, it shouldn't matter whether the person is fourteen or forty. Still, there's just something more visceral and gut-wrenching about watching it happen to a child. And I'd be willing to accept there might be some symbolic reason for making her look older, but if that's the case, well, sometimes artistic intention just doesn't work the way it's supposed to.

Admittedly, the visuals were lovely and the film certainly gives its audience something to ruminate on after the tape stops rolling. Also, this wasn't the only thing I disliked about the film. But because I was constantly jarred out of the story, I found it harder to appreciate.

Anyone else feel the same?




The fact that she was shagging the director probably didn't hurt either in the casting of her. ;)


LOL! A short, concise (and truthful) answer to a long post. You made me smile!

"Everybody in the WORLD, is bent"



Well, I was thinking about her age quite a bit. I figured she had to be at least younger than 25 - I would have never thought she was supposed to be an actual child - while the actress looked much older. I figured she was meant to be a young mildly mentally challenged woman. The mother mentioned that she was grown up but different, didn't she?

It was definitely the most distracting thing about the film, but I enjoyed it in general.


I also took at that she was a mentally below par adult, as per the comment from her mother about her being 'different', and as such she behaved in an innocent, childlike way. It seemed fundamental to the relationship with Zampano - who treated her like a slave and showed her no emotional or physical affection - because she hadn't the wit/nouse/confidence/ability to run away from him herself, having always had an 'adult' figure to watch over her.


She was the director's wife. Hence, she played the role.

(Actually she was truly amazing. As the whole film IMO.)

"A voice from behind me reminds me. Spread out your wings you are an angel."




I suppose it shouldn't matter; when you watch a naive, innocent person so broken, it shouldn't matter whether the person is fourteen or forty. Still, there's just something more visceral and gut-wrenching about watching it happen to a child. And I'd be willing to accept there might be some symbolic reason for making her look older, but if that's the case, well, sometimes artistic intention just doesn't work the way it's supposed to.

What makes you suppose that the actress, at 33, was very much older than her character? My grandmother had a sister 18 years her junior; and there is a 21 year age gap between the eldest and youngest of my father's siblings! So it's not inconceiveable that Gelsomina had siblings young enough to be her children.

Also consider the real world concerns of people of limited means and income who tend to the needs of a physiological adult / mental-emotional child like Gelsomina. She had to have been long past the conventional age of being looked after by her mother and other older kinfolk and they were all either tired of the task or else felt it would be best to marry her off; after all, "Mama" and other relations wouldn't live forever and who would take care of Gelsomina THEN?


Massina often played characters much younger than her actual age. There's some "women in prison" movie where she co-starred with Anna Magnani - her character is supposed to be in her mid-twenties but Massina was nearing her forties at the time and looked every bit of it.

But while the age difference in that movie was too distracting I didn't really mind it in this one. It was obvious that the character was meant to be a teenager but Massina's actual age just added to the overall kookiness of the character in a positive way.


I do not understand this criticism at all...I guess I'm lucky in that in only the most extreme of circumstances, things like this don't bother me at all. This is along the lines of trying to read poetry, but being unable to truly grasp the author's meaning because of bringing your own values into the interpretation and being unable to leave those values aside. Even if she was a little older, it's not inconceivable that Gelsomina's mother has two thirty-some y/o daughters, and also children under 10. And if you have to believe the character is younger than that, is it that difficult to believe, when Masina is so good at acting child- like? And people all over look older than their actual age, especially when they have hard lives.

You wanna complain about Masina not being believable? How about the fact she's a prostitute in Cabiria, but she's not sexual in the least? All the other girls she hung with were so clearly different physically, big boobs and all that...and Cabiria is this little waif-y girl, almost like a Tom boy. And Nights of Cabiria is STILL a masterpiece. complaining about this I can't understand.

Takes two to tumble it takes two to tango
Speak up don't mumble when you're in the combo
