

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


What an excellent crappy movie! And all this time I didn't know Himalayan folk actually speak Japanese. Guess makers of Z-grade 2-cent movies in 1954 figured any random Asian language would be convincing enough to an American audience hugely ignorant of the outside world. I love the walking shag carpet yeti guy repeatedly walking out of the shadows using the same clip over and over I guess their budget didn't allow more than one cut. So this thing is native to the high Himalaya? Then why can't it even climb a few painted rocks without looking like it'll trip and fall over any moment? Guess the shag carpet suit makes climbing around cheap stage props a bit cumbersome. So let's capture the thing and bring it back to the real world where every last man wears a necktie and hat and chain-smokes every waking minute of the day, and women are mostly unseen and child-bearing. So what if the walking carpet creature inevitably escapes? As the anthropological find of the century only one thing to do - hunt it down and shoot it, then crack a few jokes and smoke more cigs. LOL Nevermind, any and all folks associated with making this piece of craptastic garbage are now dead. RIP =)

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