Disturbingly Anti-American

Anyone who has seen this movie knows that it characterizes guns as being the weapon of the bandits, and perhaps of cowards too (who have neither the strength nor courage to fight hand-to-hand, with or without a sword), and that the brave and honorable samurai depicted in this movie choose to fight without guns, and that ultimately one of them is not only shot down, he's shot in the back, from one of the bandits hiding undercover and from a distance.

This is disturbing and insulting to Americans, who know very well that it is far easier and safer to shoot people down, from as far away as possible and under the safest cover they can find.

Someone needs to counter this insulting anti-American propaganda, maybe by making a counter film, one that not only corrects this insulting message, but obscures the original film too, by perhaps borrowing it's general story and even it's title too, but this time make it AMERICAN, and have it glorify guns and have the heroes shooting people.




Nice one, Elucidations


Ha! Deliciously clever! The same thing could be said for YOJIMBO with Sanjuro and his knife getting the best of Unosuke with his six shooter!



Is this a serious post?


Of course not.
And, if it is, I can safely assume that OP is an irrecuperable idiot.


Don't you know that many of the so-called Wild West movies were actually inspired or influenced by Kurosawa's Samurai pictures?


And vice-versa.


Someone didn't get the joke.

Don't worry, you're not alone apparently.

Just pretend the OP winked at the end of the post.


They did that already. It's called Magnificent Seven. Or were you hinting at that? I don't know.



The only insult to Americans, and to other people, and to every living creature is that things like yourself exist, breathe and probably vote too.

Never be complete.
