MovieChat Forums > Rear Window (1954) Discussion > When I saw it with an audience

When I saw it with an audience

I don't know if anyone else has experienced this, but when I saw Rear Window recently in a theater full of men and women, most of the men - including myself - gasped when Grace first came into focus, leaning over Jeffries. I mean, it was almost orgasmic. That woman was one of the most perfect models of beauty on film.

And, when Jeffries (Stewart) kept denying her, and refusing to be with her, etc, the guys were moaning and groaning in protest. It's like, "Get Stewart out of there. I'll do the right thing by her." lol


No one feel like gasping from the beauty that is Grace Kelly in those closeups?


I gasped - a truly hot but romantic - and rare - kind of scene.


Sounds pretty perverted to me! And you must be pretty old if you were actually old enough to see this ancient film in a theater! WOW!


It had a major theatrical re-release after the legal issues (which kept it from any circulation at all, including TV, for many years) had been resolved. I don't know -- maybe 20 years ago or so. I saw it in a theatre then, too.


Some theaters do show older films from time to time. I know that Double Indemnity was shown on the big screen here a couple of years ago. Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to see it on the big screen, although I've seen it a number of times at home. I did see a double feature a couple of years ago - Frankenstein (1931) and Dracula (1931). I think that they showed Citizen Kane a couple of times as well....

In the eighties, several classic Disney films were rereleased and my parents took me and my siblings to see those. I remember seeing Pinocchio, Song of the South, and An American Tail.

💕 JimHutton (1934-79) and ElleryQueen 👍


I saw this in a revival theater in Manhattan on a bill with THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH. Strangely enough, there was more of a reaction to Doris Day than to Grace Kelly!

May I bone your kipper, Mademoiselle?


From some of the comments I've seen on the boards, it sounds like a lot of folks are still very attracted to Doris Day (the way she looked in the fifties).

Jim Hutton (1934-79) & Ellery Queen 🎇


Sounds pretty perverted to me!
Yeah, wow, how perverted, finding someone from the opposite sex attractive. That's disgusting! 



Have a little perspective. An "ancient" film would be a silent film from the beginnings of motion picture history in the late 19th century through the 1910s.

Sound was introduced in the late 1920s.


I wish I could see it in Theater. Grace is one of my favorite classic ladies. She is timeless. I don't mean just her beauty but style and well. Doris Day (someone mentioned her which is why I bring her up)is attractive to me as well.




Yep, she’s obscenely attractive and that entrance is indeed gasp-worthy.

When Stewart was treating her badly it actually disconnected me from the protagonist. When you’ve bagged a woman like that then screw your work, take the win!

When she was lying on him and they were kissing tenderly I was thinking ‘Stewart must have the most ridiculous boner right now. Either he’s wearing lead underwear or she’s feeling the poke and doesn’t mind.’
