Our Old Future

It's nice to know that we try to be more creative when creating scifi films in recent years, though making it look so futuristic it comes off as unrealistic. But in the old days how could anyone believe our old future would be like that of Manhunt? BTW what year was Manhunt supposed to be set in?

Who needs pressurized space suits when yo can put a french press on your head.
Capes will be commonly fashionable.
'Space Ranger' Academies will have no age limits. (Seriously, why was that kid there? Where were his parents?)
'Women' will fall for 'men' like Winky.
Spaceships will be incredibly roomy and never ave weight limits and take off quickly just like cars.

What else?...Oh and why do the 'space rangers' recreational uniforms (tight T-shirt and cap) have to look more appropriate on the kid than the adults? It makes them look like their the same rank as Tommy because they've been held back a few years.
