great lines in westerns

As mentioned by one of the commentaters, one of the great lines in this movie is Widmarks: " when that sun goes down, someone always goes with it" Its one I would for my own demise. not yet though!


The film was full of great lines. I line I quite liked went something like: "The only funeral I'll go to is my own".


How about the last line? "If the Earth was made of gold, I guess men would die for a handful of dirt." Aside from its summation of the movie's religious themes of sin and greed it is a pretty good statement about fundamental economomics: that which is scare is valuable.


My favorite line was when Widmark said to Cooper "So, before you were an idiot searching for gold, what did you do?" (Or something close to that.)


It wasn't a line from the movie, but Richard Widmark is credited with the quip that Cooper "... was like catnip to the ladies." Widmark was a fine, often over-looked actor. May he rest in peace as well.



All those lines are memorable:

The line I remember is after Cooper & Hayward have riden away and stop on the the ridge.(gunfire in the distance)

Hayward asked why did he (widmark) have to stay?

And Cooper says "Someone had to stay, someone always stays to get the job done".

Just the way Cooper said it and his facial expressions and body movements gave me chills.

Hellava Actor Mr. Gary Cooper!


This one is fine:

Fiske (Widmark): Believe nothing a woman says, but everything she sings.

Hooker (Cooper): Who told that?

Fiske: Me.
