Any good?

Is this movie any good?


I think it's very good. I'm pretty sure I have it taped from the last time it was on TCM. Of course, whether someone likes a movie or not depends on the person but I think this is one of Elizabeth Taylor's best ones.

"We're not going to Guam are we?--Frank Lapidus (Lost S5 "316")


I think it's a really good movie too :)
I was very taken by it :)


I thought the opening scene in the bookstore didnt make any sense. A strange woman walks into the bookstore and knows everything about some rich guy from Ceylon? Goofy.


It fell mostly flat in my opinion. I have nothing against Elephant Walk on a technical level but certain plot points did not work out. The supposive mutal attraction between Ruth and Dick seemed one sided on Dick's part and the climax were the Elephants destroy the house came across as a feeble attempt to make them look bad when under the circumstances their actions were not surprising.

"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not".


A strange woman walks into the bookstore and knows everything about some rich guy from Ceylon? Goofy.

Seems in small English towns everyone knows everyone else. A stranger in town would have everyone's curiosity buzzing.
Maybe not so much now. People have become less sociable.

Love is never having to say you're sober.


It's solid escapism for two hours. More of a melodrama than it probably wanted to be though not boring.
