MovieChat Forums > The Egyptian (1954) Discussion > Fox, Where is the DVD???

Fox, Where is the DVD???

20th Century Fox, Where is the DVD release of this timeless classic epic?
It is one of the most remarkable epics of the 1950s, in wide-screen CinemaScope, DeLuxe Color, and one of the early 4-track magnetic Stereo releases in the first-run theaters. Thank you, Darryl F. Zanuck!
It has one of the most wonderful, haunting, enchanting and mystical soundtrack music scores ever recorded, by master film composers Alfred Newman and Bernard Herrmann (the only time they ever worked together). And the cast of players is excellent and exceptional...

It is not your typical sword-and-sandal epic of that era - it is more than the sum of its parts. THE EGYPTIAN is a magnificent story of mankind's metaphysical quest for the Truth - as revealed in the One God...which would be revealed once more to the Hebrew prince and prophet Moses only 100 years later in the land of Egypt...
and it is the only time Hollywood or any other film studio made an epic production about the so-called "Amarna Age", the reigns of Pharaoh Akhenaten and his beautiful wife, Queen Nefertiti, and their court, in a fairly realistic style with incredible attention to detail. Of course, their omission of the boy-king TutankhAmen can be relegated to DFZ's not wishing this movie to be a 4-hour epic. Michael Wilding has an inspired acting interpretation of Akhenaten, and certainly looked the part from a distance. AKhenaten's vision of Aten was beautiful, if not successful, and made an idyllic period in the epic history of ancient Egypt during the New Kingdom age of the 18th Dynasty.

Please, TFC aka: 20th Century Fox, Where is the DVD (with bonus feature extras) for this marvelous guilty pleasure of sheer magnificence?



I strongly add my voice to yours!! It is a pity that
this gem, this masterpiece is only available from
bootleg sources from Hong Kong or China!! Having no
other alternative, I have acquired this DVD, but of-
course it leaves much to be desired!! Yet I enjoy it
tremendously each and every time. You morons at Fox
wake up please.............!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm supposed to be retired . I don't want to get mixed up in this darn thing.

Already Land of the Pharaohs and the Prodigal(!) have made it to DVD. I'm beginning to think that I'm going to die of old age before Fox ever releases this digitally.


I'm inclined to agree with you. You might as well buy the Chinese bootleg
currently selling on the asian market and ebay. Fox, are you reading this?
Fox is losing a lot of sales on this, sort of like what happened with Universal
for not releasing THIS ISLAND EARTH for years. The available DVD, a licensed product through Image Entertainment instead of being a genuine studio release,
was available from 1999 to 2003. Then there were bidding wars on the out of print copies on ebay driving the price of a copy up to $150.00 or more. Then there was the big letdown of Universal's studio release of THIS ISLAND EARTH in August 2006, in a bargain-bin package with no extras. Go figure.




THE EGYPTIAN is supposedly going to be released by Fox sometime in 2008; no word yet on a specific date. Will post a notice when anything definite is known.


Thank you, Mr. Hob Nob.
Happy Holidays!



And to you!


Hope that's true that 2008 will be the year for a DVD release. This is one of the few remaining ancient world epics not to be released on DVD, and once this and "Fall Of The Roman Empire" come out, that will only leave "Samson And Delilah" and "Quo Vadis" as the two biggies not released.


Both QUO VADIS? and THE FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE are apparently scheduled for DVD releases sometime in 2008 as well. SAMSON AND DELILAH is still out there, and Paramount has apparently ground its releases of its old films to a halt. However, Criterion now has a licensing agreement with Paramount and they might decide to issue an S&D DVD themselves. After all, they put out ROBINSON CRUSOE ON MARS.


I never would have thought in a million years that we'd see a DVD release of "Four Frightened People" on DVD (my favorite obscure DeMille title) before we'd see one of Samson.

It's amusing that Paramount is becoming stingy in the film department at the same time they've become the best studio for classic TV on DVD.


Well, Eric, the only reason we got FFP (I love that DeMille set, especially the amazing THE SIGN OF THE CROSS) is that it's part of the Paramount library owned by Universal, and Universal -- no great shakes in releasing its films either -- puts stuff like that out in box sets with as much thrown in as possible.

In another breathtaking bit of Hollywood stupidity, Paramount sold its entire pre-1950 library of films to MCA for $12 million in 1956 (a few months after Warner sold its pre-'50 library to United Artists for a paltry $2 million). MCA acquired Universal in 1962, and the library has since passed to that studio's control. I hope the Paramount execs of 1956 are sleeping happily in their corporate graves: they kicked away hundreds of millions in revenues (film and TV rentals, and now of course all home video, domestic and worldwide) in perpetuity, with all those great Paramount films now lost amidst the Universal machine. That's why you see so many Paramount classics (including virtually all of DeMille's films, most of Billy Wilder's done for Paramount, Ernst Lubitsch's, Preston Sturges's, etc.) all under the Universal banner. Though at least they don't cut out the original Paramount logos, as other studios sometimes do. (Well, mostly.) As Billy Wilder said when the deal was announced, "When Hollywood starts selling its children, that's the end of Hollywood." True.

Their preoccupation with TV releases may be a reason why they've slowed their film releases.

But S&D remains a Paramount property -- barely -- so it's up to them to release it.


Yes, I knew about the nuances of those titles ending up at Universal. But FFP was for many decades practically a "lost" film with no VHS release to speak of and until the DVD release I had to make do with a transfer from a beat-up 16mm copy. "Cleopatra" and "Sign Of The Cross" at least had standard VHS releases in the past as well as regular exposure on cable. The silent version of "Ten Commandments" though remains under Paramount's control, I guess because of the 1956 remake.

Paramount's stupidity over selling their classic films of that earlier age was partly compensated by their purchase of Desilu in the late 60s, which gave them a permanent cash cow in "Star Trek".

I have the old Laser Disc release of Samson And Delilah (complete with isolated music/effects track) but because I have no space to hook up my LD player it gets no play time.


Yeah, but Star Trek or no, it isn't like having your own property back under one, profitable, roof. And unlike Warner, where the library was eventually reunited in the 90s thanks to the Time-Warner-Turner merger, there's little prospect of that ever happening to Paramount, unless someone at the parent company wants to fork over a very sizable bundle.

You know of course Groucho Marx's explanation of why he hadn't seen SAMSON AND DELILAH? "I never go to any movie where the man's tits are bigger than the woman's." Not that that got much play in 1949!


Groucho does Hedy a disservice! :)

The Time-Warner-Turner merger though did require me to get used to not seeing MGM films released by MGM/UA video any longer, which was slightly jarring at first. The last MGM/UA home video logo from when they still did the MGM films had a pretty good montage of Leo The Lion logos down through the years.


Yes, but at least the logo MGM/UA survives. After Sony bought out MGM it was assumed that the old MGM/UA logo would go extinct, but they've continued to put out films under that aegis, albeit via a somewhat tortured route: MGM/UA by Sony/Columbia through Fox Home Video (who has the license from Sony to distriubte UA and other films owned by that label: Goldwyn, etc.).

I remember when Sony bought MGM Dave Kehr, the NY Times DVD columnist, lamented the expected disappearance of the label, noting that they had done a good job "mining" the UA library and brought out many little-known films, of which he cited two as "B-movie gems" -- Roger Corman's THE MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH and Edgar G. Ulmer's THE MAN FROM PLANET X -- the last of which happens to be one of my all-time favorites. Luckily, the label, and the releases, continue!

Speaking of which, and in the way of historical epics, I just saw that two UA epic mishmashes from the early 60s are coming out in March -- TARAS BULBA and KINGS OF THE SUN. Hmmmm.



A week or so ago I DVRed this movie from the Fox Movie Channel, and I was delighted by the results. The pictue quality was excellent, the soundtrack was in marvelous stereo, and it was (of course) in widescreen.

I quickly ordered the DVD from Amazon, hoping that the quality would be the same, and that the DVD would include some kind of special features.

Sadly, I was very disappointed. The picture quality was vastly inferior to my DVR from the Fox Movie Channel, the soundtrack was not in stereo, and there were no special features.

The DVD even cuts off the 20th Century Fox opening and the great music which accompanies it.

Crap. What a jip!

I'll make my own DVD from the Fox presentation, and I'll wonder why the morons a 20th Century Fox didn't want the money I was willing to give them for a good DVD of this movie.

Oh well. Their loss, eh?


It wasn't a jet! It wasn't anything like a jet!


Since THE EGYPTIAN has never had a Region 1 release from Fox, what DVD did you order from Amazon? I saw that Korean import on their site -- was that it?

Whichever it was, you really should wait for an official release, or as you say, burn your own DVD from FMC until a real DVD comes along. A lot of that overseas stuff is pretty bad -- it depends in part where it comes from -- and you need a lot of caution about getting involved with such things.

Reportedly, THE EGYPTIAN is still due out this year from Fox, though there's no word or certainty of a date yet.


Yep. It was the Korean copy. Bad move on my part.

It wasn't a jet! It wasn't anything like a jet!


Ahh, don't worry. A nice plate of kimchi and you'll forget all about it.


Actually I ate kimchi with my Korean girlfriend in 1969 when I was stationed in Kunsan, Korea, for 13 months (Security Policeman, US Air Force). I was especially impressed with the little suckers on the octopus tentacles in the bowl of mixed mystery ingredients she served me.

I wonder what ever happend to Moon Ok Song. She was 19 years old and very sweet.
It wasn't a jet! It wasn't anything like a jet!


She works for a Korean DVD company, cutting off studio logos on pirated American films. I believe.


Hi, If Fox does not release THE EGPTIAN I recommend you to turn to where you can get the chinese version in widescreen. It is drawn from the laserdisc in full widescreen and 2 track stereo sound. And the chinese subtitles could easily be taken away provided your remote has this feature. Anyway the subtitles are below picture frame. I have an idea the Korean copy could have been drawn from the Fox vhs version, which was in scan/pan. I have it in my collection

I honestly daubt it will be much better if issued by Fox - I was very very disapointed with PRINCE VALIANT. One of the reasons is, the first generation of CinemaScope movies were notorius for being out of focus. I could fear Fox would just draw it from the laserdisc with 2-trak stereophonic sound. Only advantage: you will not have to turn the disc in the middle of the movie. By the way, yesterday it was 51 years since I first saw this great movie in full CinemaScope and the wonder of 4-dimensionel stereophonic sound. I was really doped in sound....


Speaking of great historical epics, where the
hell is "The Big Fisherman"????? It has never
been released in any form!!!! W H Y !!!! I do
believe we shall all reach the upper world before
it is ever released!! The bootleg copies, whether
VHS or DVD are simply disgusting!! If Criterion
can do it, it would be wonderful........Amen!


2008 has come and gone, and I still do not see any release of The Egyptian from them, or any of the other movies you have all mentioned. I have finally managed to get a copy of the Korean release of The Egyptian. It is of course not the best of recordings, but at least I was able to view it.
Having spent a holiday travelling in Egypt in 2006, I could relate to the scenes in The Valley of the Kings & Queens in Thebes, or as it it now known Luksor.
The story of Senuhe is quite piognant, and although one seems to see Sinuhe as being very unsure of himself in the beginning, Edmund Purdom portrays him beautifully, and the mature Sinuhe at the end is portrayed with such feeling, even the parts narrated by Edmund Purdom are with such empathy.
Ann SA


Finally there is an official DVD out in Spain, Region 2, with English (Stereo) and Spanish (Mono) Audio and in wonderful anamorphic widescreen.

I received it yesterday, and I am VERY thrilled about it! ;-)

It is this one:

And you can see some screenshots of the excellent picture quality here:


M1uffy, I now have it too. If you're short of a best pal, then you have one now...

"Oh look - a lovely spider! And it's eating a butterfly!"
'' ,,


Great! ;-)


You did not mention the rare seen enclosed 36-page glossy booklet in sharp
b/w and colour. I defenitely hope you got it with your purchase!


"The story of Senuhe is quite piognant, and although one seems to see Sinuhe as being very unsure of himself in the beginning, Edmund Purdom portrays him beautifully, and the mature Sinuhe at the end is portrayed with such feeling, even the parts narrated by Edmund Purdom are with such empathy."

Ann, I really like the thoughts expressed here.
Ever since I saw the Egyptian in my young teenage years, it seemed to speak to me and Purdom's part in it was crucial. Well said.

'I'm supposed to be retired. I don't want to get mixed up in this darned thing.'


What I wouldn't pay for a good

redub, cleaned up letter box and a blooper/info tape including trailers and maybe interviews.





We are all asking for that studio DVD, with quality video. Those Asian imports just don't do this great flim justice.


You're right, I just watched a Chinese import and it's clearly just a laserdisc transfer. Sound and picture are both of inferior quality.

It's OK for now but I'll gladly replace it if a decent release becomes available.

We report, you decide; but we decide what to report.


I love epic movies & soundtracks like this film! I just watched the Korean import version. Dvd case stated full screen but it was widescreen. I couldn't get the Chinese/Japanese subtitles turned off. The Korean subtitles can be turned off. I ended up watching it sort of widescreen, after I zoomed in my screen on the remote control so the subtitles were removed. Quality of transfer was poor. An excellent movie though, and I can't wait for the authentic Region 1 release this year. My fingers are crossed!


Just saw it this morning on Fox Movie Channel, which to me means that a DVD version couldn't be far off. I have the Chinese DVD, which I thought not bad, but the cable version was outstanding. This picture improves with every viewing. I was more impressed and more moved than ever at this superb achievement.

20th has proven that they care about their films, so what's with dragging their feet with 'The Egyptian'?


FMC has often run "The Egyptian", so the fact that it showed up the other day really doesn't mean anything about its possible DVD release. I've picked up stray rumors that while the film had been intended for release in 2008, this may not now happen. But nobody really knows. But at this point, if it is issued, it'll be in the latter part of the year.

Fox is good about their releases, but sometimes you wonder about their timing. They're finally coming out with the widescreen version of the John Wayne western "The Big Trail" from 1930, this May, but you have to wonder why they're doing it now instead of last year, in honor of Wayne's centenary. Likewise so far they've done nothing to mark James Stewart's centenary next month, though they did put out some Bette Davis films for her 100th this month. There are some films Stewart did at Fox I'd also like to see out on DVD, like "No Highway in the Sky" and "The Jackpot". So, we'll see about "The Egyptian" and these others.


I'm still surprised it hasn't come out on DVD, but I still have my widescreen VHS recording....from AMC no less! (1995, the days when AMC was a great channel).


It's deserving of a good, quality release with special features, like "making of" the movie. I read that when DeMille heard Daryll Zanuck was planning on making it, he nearly called off his own plans for "The Ten Commandments". That would make great material for a special feature as well.

Has anybody heard anything new about a planned DVD release lately?


DeMille called Zanuck and asked him if he was planning to make "The Egyptian". Zanuck told him "no". He wouldn't invest that much in a film without a name like Brando in the lead. Brando had turned the film down in favor of doing "Desiree" for Fox. Zanuck lied to DeMille. The conventional wisdom is that Zanuck was determined to make the film as a vehicle for his, then, mistress, Bella Darvi (Nefer-nefer-nefer) regardless of who he could get for Sinuhe.


From what I see on the Fox Movie Channel, and what's been seen and heard in letterbox LD and TV showings since the '90s, Fox has excellent print and sound elements on THE EGYPTIAN. So why hasn't there yet been a DVD release? I would bet this film hasn't exactly been a hot seller in home video, so Fox has been in no rush getting it out. The problem now is the home video companies want everyone to switch to Blu-ray. Fox seems to be spending more time now re-releasing its classic titles on Blu-ray than putting out more of its yet unreleased films on standard DVD, and now the economy is getting so bad I think it'll just slow things down even more.


The Egyptian is one of my favorite movies. I check the movie sites often in hopes of seeing its DVD release.

However, I am one of the lucky ones. I own a Laserdisc copy of "The Egyptian."
Inside the cover is a narrative written by David Mermelstein "The Glories of Egypt."

Personally, I think the Laserdisc picture and sound is superior to the standard DVD format.

So much junk has been released but where for art thou Egyptian?

FOX, are you listening????????????????
