MovieChat Forums > The Egyptian (1954) Discussion > Victor Mature and the toy bow

Victor Mature and the toy bow

I could never take Victor Mature vary seriously as an actor, he always seemed just a beefed up stand-in who had lines to say while action went on around him. The killing the lion scenes were somewhere near the bottom of his very large barrel of bad work. He snarls, grimaces, in general his full range of expression from A to B and then pulls back the cord of the wimpiest bow ever seen in the movies and the lion conveniently falls dead.

With all the expensive chariots et als, one thinks that props could have found a grown-up size bow and arrow and then tell Victor not to draw back the cord by holding it with pinched fingers.



The whole lion hunting sequence has always bothered me a little, too, and for the same reason.

Don't agree, however, about Mature. Thought he turned in some fine performances (Eg., The Robe, My Darling Clementine, Kiss of Death, Samson and Delilah, After the Fox . . .).


I like Mature, but yes, that bow always bothered me as well. I had one just like it from Kmart when I was younger-seriously. You'd think with the money spent on research, they'd at least get something more lethal-looking.

'I'm supposed to be retired. I don't want to get mixed up in this darned thing.'


And he'd be the first one to agree with everything you just said.

You've got me?! Who's got you?!
