MovieChat Forums > The Egyptian (1954) Discussion > I Feel Sorry for Baketamon

I Feel Sorry for Baketamon

As Sinuhe puts it, she was twisted by circumstances beyond her control which she could not fight against.
God is subtle, but He is not malicious. (Albert Einstein)


In the book, she fiercely dislikes Horemheb. So, after they marry and he's off fighting the Hittites, she travels to every single market in Thebes, and 'offers herself' to all willing men, asking only for a stone in return. She uses these stones to build a massive pavillon in her garden, just to humiliate Horemheb once he returns. I'm not sure she really was twisted by her circumstances- she's just naturally cruel.


Not sure I'd call the deliberate humiliation of one's rapist cruel by any stretch.


I don't feel sorry for Baketamon. I like her strength and the way she ignores the passes of the overbearing Horemheb. Her revenge in the book for his forcing her to marry him to legitimize his claim to the throne is classic

I could be a morning person if morning happened at noon.
