Modeste mais nerveux

Main crispée sur la crosse de son révolver, machoire serrée, démarche d'automate, Mark Stevens est impressionnant. Un film noir au style incisif et percutant. A découvrir.


Plentee load pincus.

Nothing is more beautiful than nothing.


You tell 'im, Frenchy.


Is this yer latest big purchase from Massimo Molnar's Moldy Film Barn?

"Beware of the waiting room."


Nah, I've never seen it. I came here after looking up Marth Hyer (not her dress), but never expected to find such a brilliant bilingual exchange of rien about this flick.

However, it does sound pretty awful, so I'd definitely like to see it. Catch as Ketchikan. If I ever do, I'll post a review of it in Russian, as the former lingua franca of Tsaristnaya Alyeska and a reasonable approximation of how Mark Stevens sounds when he's drunk. Konyets.


I saw it so long ago I can't remember any of it. I'm very glad yer language was Russian. Mine were Latin and German, but can't remember much of them, either. Not much use for them since I left the Bastille.

"Beware of the waiting room."


Were you the Captain from Bastille? Ya seems to know enough French-talk to get the gist of whatsisname's musings up above.


He talks about Mark Stevens being tight jawed and impressive and the flick being good noir. Nobody else thinks its anything but junk. That guy always answered or talked Franch on Imdb. He's gone now so we can dissect him.

"Beware of the waiting room."


I pretty much figured out what he was saying but don't recall his Gallic opines anywhere else hereabouts. Glad we can talk about him behind his back now on the world wide web.

What's frog for "junk"?


This shall be the last post from me here, so get ready to grumble! French for junk is "depotoir" sounds like a place where junk is dumped. However, if UR looking for a Royale with cheese, try "malbouffe" as in junk food. -- Cute, huh?

"Beware of the waiting room."


Ah, oui, je me souviens. Merci. C'est fini, et moi aussi.

Or, in the words of Jean Paul Sartre, Au revoir.


Where are you tonight, sweet Marie?

The sense itself was I.


Getting lonely in the wilds there, Marcel?


I was languisihing with my copy of "La Mort des Cygne" when I thought of you. Actually, I thought of You when I received a massage in one of my e-mails about a music joint U thought was awful cuz they package old scifi soundtracks as original and they ain't. So how are things down on the pond that surrounds yer island?

The sense itself was I.


Which joint was that? MMM? If so, they've improved. Many OST's now: Kronos, It! The Terror From Beyond Space, The Monster that Challenged the World, The Cosmic Man, Rocketship X-M. Destination Moon coming this summer.

On the isle? Runnin' fer Mayor agin. PM me sometime so I don't have to visit this barren site and use a thread started by this fake French guy.


Yowza, MMM Mausoleum of the Moldy Modeste. Will do, Massa!

The sense itself was I.
