Great crime flick

I rate this movie as good as any of that era. This includes three of my all time favorites ( Asphalt Jungle, Kansas City Confidential, and The Detective Story). Great ending when the detective played by Sterling Hadyn showed a human side.


I can't wait to find Kansas City Confidential. I adored Crime Wave, everything about it. Yes, it was great to see Sterling Hayden in this film. The ending did how the human side you mentioned. If you have the DVD, check out the special feature with the commentary. It is a stitch.

"Two more swords and I'll be Queen of the Monkey People." Roseanne


Wow - this movie blew me away. Loved almost every scene.


Agreed. It's one of the best of its type.

What's the Spanish for drunken bum?


The ending is what makes it great The detectives have to be tough to get the job done.


I loved some of the dialogue,haven't heard the term "Square John" in ages....


I loved the film but am I the only one who noticed that if the cops had staked out Gene Nelson's house the picture would have been over in 20 min. Also, did a Lincoln dealership pick up a chunk of the budget because I saw more Lincolns and Lincolns chasing Lincolns then I think were sold in 1952.


It's a top-notch film noir and also one of the best LA films ever made. The cinematography is excellent and the whole cast shines (although, Sterling's realistic acting and Bronson's scene stealing performance are unforgettable).

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


I really like this movie a lot, I'm a big Sterling Hayden fan, but I just laugh at the ending, where a LAPD guy tells a get-away driver in a robbery in which at least two people were killed, a guy who had lied repeatedly to him, to take a hike. Um, no. Still, great script, very well made and it's great to see Los Angeles in the 1950's.


Pretty good - 7.5

"She let me go."
~White Oleander
