Mentioned in LIFE (2015)

The 2015 movie LIFE is about a photographer who is following James Dean around after he has made East of Eden but before Rebel Without a Cause.

It is set between when Dean was an unknown and before he became a superstar. IT is a very uneven film but I thought it was worth a look because the guy who plays Dean is very good.

Dean seems to actually be a rebel who refuses to be strait-jacketed by the studio big wigs.

At one point he is being interviewed and he starts to give his opinion of The Boy from Oklahoma which he thought was corny and awful. This movie was made by Warner Bros. which also had Dean under contract. Either Dean didn't know this or didn't care. I think Jack Warner would have had him killed or would have killed his career but he gave him another chance because he could see that he was charismatic and talented.
