MovieChat Forums > Black Widow (1954) Discussion > 'Dance of the Seven Veils' Theme

'Dance of the Seven Veils' Theme

I first saw this film on the big screen, and one of the most effective qualities I'd remembered about it was the Richard Strauss theme that recurred, and seasoned and enhanced its eeriness throughout. Somehow, this doesn't happen in the DVD edition, where the Strauss strains are only really evident in the final scene between Rogers and Garner. Was this a change made because of copyright restrictions, as is sometimes the case in the transition from screen to video? Does anyone know? It's a shame, and it lessens the impact of the film. Leigh Harline's score, standing alone, is competent, but a bland paraphrasing of the Strauss atmospherics.

"Believe not what you only wish to believe, but that which truth demands"


I had an epiphany with your topic headline referencing "Seven Veils" - "Nancy" was enamored of the score to the point of allegedly writing an opera to it and wound up being strangled by, I believe, a scarf/neck kerchief. If I recall correctly that's some irony!
