nearly killing Alan Ladd

I was told a tale many years ago and wonder if anyone knows if there is any truth in it. A section of the movie was filmed in Wales at Castell Coch (the red castle). it was used as the Saracen's home near the end of the movie. Apparently, Some local people from a long established archery club called the Pentref Bowmen were hired as extras for their skills and some came equipped with fearsome longbows. One day a scene was laid out where the black knight fights his way up the courtyard stairs and enters the building through a door which he closes just in time before it is struck by some arrows. The bowmen were told to fire at the door after Alan Ladd had slammed it shut and that while they were doing that Ladd would be filmed inside leaning on the door, relieved to have reached the inside of the castle. The archers refused saying that if they did that they may well kill the star of the movie as the arrows would go through the door. They were told not to be ridiculous. The conversation went something like this.
Director: Don't be stupid the door is three inches of solid oak.
Bowmen: yeah but these are longbows.
Director: Just do what you're told.
Bowmen: Okay you've been warned.

I was told that in the film the scene unfolds and when Alan Ladd leans against the door two arrow heads emerge from the wood few inches from his head and he shrinks away in alarm. Apparently the reaction was totally genuine and a fist fight almost ensued between Ladd and the director. trouble is, in the copy I've got there is a cut after he goes through the door and the next scene commences. Anybody out there able to tell me I'm not writing total bullshine.
By the way I live near Castell Coch and was told this by an old local.


First, movies aren't made that way. The second shot behind the door would have been a whole new set up with camera, director, actors. It may not have even been the same location.

Second, no arrow is going through a three inch solid oak door. No way.

Third, since your copy does not even have the interior shot with the arrows coming through, we cannot really know that it even happened, right?
