The End of the Show

I used to hurry home every day after school to watch THE SECRET STORM. Then one day TATTLE TALES was on...they never had ANY kind of real ending to the preparation whatsoever. I was SO pissed off. And they were in the middle of some really good story lines too. I can still remember Gary Sandy and David Gale fighting and one of them landing on a pitchfork...I think it was Gary Sandy's character.

"A man's kiss is his signature" -- Mae West


Actually, it wasn't either of their characters who ended up getting the
pitchfork ... it was theit mother, Stacy Reddin, played by the incredible
Frances Sternhagen!


Oh has been so long that all I remember is the priest and his brother fighting and that someone was killed on the pitchfork. Thanks for the reminder!

"A man's kiss is his signature" -- Mae West


I lived in the San Francisco Bay area at time and the local CBS station took The Secret Storm off a year or two before it was canceled. It used to come on at 3pm so my sisters and I were able to watch it when we got home from school. On a Monday we came home to watch it and instead The Mike Douglas Show was on. It's not surprising the show was canceled eventually.


Incorrect. The show was wrapped up very quickly with most lose ends tied nicely.


It may have been for YOU but for the 12 year old who was hooked on the show, it wasn't tied up nicely at all! LOL

"A man's kiss is his signature" -- Mae West
