Will I like this film?

I heard that this is a beautiful film and I like such films as WINGS OF DESIRE and HIROSHIMA MON AMOUR. So will I like this? I should mention that I like Kurosawa alot, but not so much of Ozu. BTW, how is the pace of this film? It is only 95 minutes so it doesn't seem like it should be too slow of a pace.
And finally, is it worth a blind buy?

Respect the cock, and tame the *beep*


Not knowing you and not having seen this film I couldn't really say. However I am a massive, MASSIVE Kurosawa fan and have seen two different pieces by Mizoguchi. Both were amazing. However I am also an Ozu fan. Although I wouldn't like to draw comparisons I would say Mizoguchi seems to be closer in style to Ozu.



Thanks for your reply. Since it's so critically acclaimed, I think that I'll buy it. All the people who like it couldn't be that wrong, I assume.

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