Two questions

I just watched this great film for the first time and had two questions:

1. Does anyone know what "Ugestu" means? Is it supposed to be the name of the village, or does it have some other meaning? (I'm assuming that "monogatari" means "story", as in "Tokyo Monogatari".)

2. I was a little confused by the scene in which a character (A) decapitates character (B) after character B asks to be decapitated. I get that character B turns out to be a notable warrior of some sort, which is why Tobei has a claim to a great reward after he shows up with B's head, claiming to have killed him. But it was not clear to me why B was asking for decapitation and why A would comply. Are we just to assume that B lost a battle and therefore wants to be killed by one of his own troops (e.g., A)? Or is there something else going on that I missed?



when you committ seppuku you have to be careful not to scream, otherwise it would be shameful. consequently, a fellow samurai should cut your head, as soon as it seems like you are about to start screaming like a sissy {:-0).


Thanks. That's very helpful -- both from the point of view of the movie and in case I ever decide to committ seppuku. I would doubtless have gone at it alone and I'm sure I would scream like a little baby, and make a mess of the kitchen to boot. Of course, now that I understand the importance of having some help and not knowing anyone else who's informed on this topic, I may call on you if the time comes. So, please be sure to check your email often. :-)



...a fellow samurai should cut your head, as soon as it seems like you are about to start screaming like a sissy...
Your would ask a friend - hopefully a very good swordsman - to decapitate you in order not to prolong the agony, once you had done the "necessary" yourself.


1) As I understanded it, maybe Ugetsu is a term for a special kind of Moon. According to the informal literal title, "Tales of a Pale and Mysterious Moon After the Rain", I guess it means just that. It could be some sort of poetic term.

2) He was captured and he was choosing a honourable or fast way to die. I am not sure, though.


thanks. that's interesting.



The film is based on parts of an 17th centery japanese collection of storys involving the supernatural called ugetsu monogatari

roughly ghost storys


i think ugetsu is a name for the rainy season. however, it should have something to do with the moon because the kanji for -getsu means 'moon'.



Ugetsu Kanji means,"Rain and Moon"
Monogatari means,"Tail" or "Story"




Kwaidan means "strange" or "unusual." It was the title of the book by Lafcadio Hearn that the movie Kwaidan was based on.
