MovieChat Forums > Ugetsu monogatari (1954) Discussion > 113 years of Cinema - 113 foreign movies...

113 years of Cinema - 113 foreign movies

Hi from Turkey,
I prepared a list,there're 113 foreign movies from 1895 to 2008..I did not pick any American movie and they're my favourites from all time..I hope you'll like it.

113-) Grave of Fireflies {Isao Takahata,1988}
112-) Fitzcarraldo {Werner Herzog,1982}
111-) Taste of Cherry {Abbas Kiarostami,1997}
110-) LArgent {Robert Bresson,1983}
109-) Before the Rain {Milco Mancevski,1994}
108-) Los Lunes al Sol {Fernando León de Aranoa,2002}
107-) Mephisto (Istvan Szabo,1981}
106-) The Piano {Jane Champion,1993}
105-) Wings of Desire {Win Wenders,1987}
104-) Berlin Alexanderplatz {Rainer Werner Fassbinder,1980}
103-) Man of Marble {Andrzej Wajda,1977}
102-) The Spirit of Beehive {Victor Erice,1973}
101-) Black God, White Devil {Glauber Rocha,1964}
100-) Bin-jip {Kim Ki-Duk,2004}
99-) The Gospel According to st. Matthew {Pier Paolo Pasolini,1964}
98-) The Sacrifice {Andrei Tarkovsky,1986}
97-) Paris, Texas {Wim Wenders,1984}
96-) Death in Venice {Luchino Visconti,1971}
95-) Cries and Whispers {Ingmar Bergman,1972}
94-) La Notte {Michelangelo Antonioni,1961}
93-) Eternity and a Day {Theo Angelopoulos,1998}
92-) Cinema Paradi.o {Giuseppe Tornatore,1988}
91-) Pierrot le fou {Jean-Luc Godard,1965}
90-) All About My Mother {Pedro Almodovar,1999}
89-) Pather Panchali {Satyajit Ray,1959}
88-) Ivan the Terrible I-II {Sergei Eisenstein,1944-1946}
87-} Last Year at Marienbad {Alain Resnais,1961}
86-) Germany, Year Zero {Roberto Rosselini,1947}
85-) Man with a Movie Camera {Dziga Vertov,1929}
84-) Tree of Wooden Clogs {Ermanno Olmi,1978}
83-) Pickpocket {Robert Bresson,1959}
82-) Ordet {Carl Theodore Dreyer,1955}
81-) Three Colours: Blue {Krszystof Kieslowski,1993}
80-) The Colour of Pomegranate {Sergei Parajanov,1969}
79-) Fanny and Alexander {Ingmar Bergman,1982}
78-) Rocco and His Brothers {Luchino Visconti,1960}
77-) Satantango {Bela Tarr,1994}
76-) Les Diaboliques {Henri-Georges Clouzot,1955}
75-) Underground {Emir Kusturica,1995}
74-) The Battle of Algiers {Gillo Pontecervo,1965}
73-) Ran {Akira Kurosawa,1980}
72-) Ulysses Gaze {Theo Angelopoulos,1995}
71-) LAtalante {Jean Vigo,1934}
70-) Day for Night {François Truffaut,1973}
69-) Voyage in Italy {Robert Rosselini,1953}
68-) Stalker {Andrei Tarkovsky,1979}
67-) Talk to Her {Pedro Almodovar,2002}
66-) Ikiru {Akira Kurosawa,1952}
65-) In the Mood for Love {Wong Kar-Wai,2000}
64-) Novecento(1900) {Bernardo Bertolucci,1976}
63-) Rome, Open City {Roberto Rosselini,1945}
62-) Un Chien andalou {Luis Bunuel,1928}
61-) Diary of a Country Priest {Robert Bresson,1950}
60-) Blow Up{Michelangelo Antonioni,1966}
59-) Time of the Gypsies {Emir Kusturica,1989}
58-) Passion of Joan of Arc {Carl Dreyer,1927}
57-) The Conformist {Bernardo Bertolucci,1969}
56-) Ugetsu monogatari {Kenji Mizoguchi,1953}
55-) Chungking Express {Wong Kar-Wai,1994}
54-) Dekalog {Krszystof Kieslowski,1988}
53-) Funny Games {Michael Haneke,1997}
52-) Amarcord {Federico Fellini,1973}
51-) The Wages of Fear {Henri-Georges 1952}
50-) Aguirre: The Wrath of God {Werner Herzog,1972}
49-) Umberto D. {Vittori De Sica,1952}
48-) The Mirror {Andrei Tarkovsky,1974}
47-) The Wind Will Carry Us {Abbas Kiarostami,1999}
46-) City of God { Fernando Meirelles,2002}
45-) Jules and Jim {François Truffaut,1961}
44-) Hero {Yimou Zhang,2002}
43-) Le Samourai {Jean-Pierre Melville,1967}
42-) La Strada {Federico Fellini,1954}
41-) The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie {Luis Bunuel,1972}
40-) Three Colours: Red {Krszystof Kieslowski,1994}
39-) M {Fritz Lang,1931}
38-) The Exterminating Angel {Luis Bunuel,1962}
37-) Au hasard Balthazar {Robert Bresson,1966}
36-) Wild Strawberries {Ingmar Bergman-1957}
35-) Come and See {Elem Klimov,1985}
34-) La Grande illusion {Jean Renoir,1937}
33-) Barry Lyndon {Stanley Kubrick,1975]
32-) Vivre sa vie {Jean Luc Godard,1963}
31-) Gertrud {Carl Dreyer,1964}
30-) Los Olvidodos {Luis Bunuel,1950}
29-) Eyes Without a Face {Georges Franju,1959}
28-) The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser {Werner Herzog,1974}
27-) LAge dor {Luis Bunuel,1930]
26-) Zero for Conduct {Jean Vigo,1934}
25-) Z {Costa Gavras,1969}
24-) The 400 Blows {François Truffaut,1959}
23-) The Leopard {Luchino Visconti,1963}
22-) Rashomon {Akira Kurosawa,1950}
21-) The Seventh Seal {Ingmar Bergman,1957}
20-) La Dolce Vita {Federico Fellini,1960}
19-) LAvventura {Michelangelo Antonioni,1960}
18-) Hiroshima mon Amour {Alain Resnais,1959}
17-) Andrei Rublev {Andrei Tarkovsky,1966}
16-) Persona {Ingmar Bergman,1966}
15-) The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari {Robert Wiene,1929}
14-) Breathless {Jean Luc Godard,1959}
13-) Metropolis {Fritz Lang,1926}
12-) Seven Samurai {Akira Kurosawa,1954}
11-) Battleship Potemkin {Sergei Eisen.tein,1925}
10-) Dersu Uzala [Akira Kurosawa,1975}
9-) Muhsin Bey {Yavuz Turgul,1987} (a movie from my country)
8-) Tokyo Story {Yasujiro Ozu,1953}
7-) 8½ {Federico Fellini,1963}
6-) Ashes and Diamonds {Andrzej Wajda,1958}
5-) Week-End {Jean Luc Godard,1967}
4-) Faust {F.W.Murnau,1926}
3-) The Rules of the Game {Jean Renoir,1937}
2-) Les Enfans du paradis {Marcel Carne,1945}
1-) Bicycle Thieves {Vittorio De Sica,1948}


is it in some sort of order? good list though


As I always say, there is only ONE list of the 100 best films of all times and this one comes pretty close to it (you should have concentrated only in foreign language films; otherwiese there are too many British films that should be in the list). Well, one you read a list like this one, your mind begins immediately to think about the "absentees". I don't see Abel Gance's Napoleon, Shoot the Piano Player, Farewell my Concubine (one of the 10 best) and the Kiarostami trilogy (also one of the 10 best). Also, please remember that Buñuel best film is Viridiana, made in Spain (under Franco) and produced by a Mexican producer. You should move Potemkin to the No. 1 spot. Les Enfants du paradise is still fascinating. Mesmerizing. I think you also missed a few of the silent Soviet films (like the Mother or End of St. Petersburgh) and a few German films. "Cabiria" (made in Italy in 1912) should be in the list also.
