Lollobrigida hurt?

In the later part of the film Gina Lollobrigida faints. As she falls she bangs here head against a chair leg. That's got to hurt!


Sure looked like it.


And she didn't even flinch. What a pro.


I noticed that too. She hit the chair on the way down and the camera stayed on her for a second or two more she did not open her eyes and continued her collapse. -- The show must go on!


Yes it must have hurt yet she acted liked it didn't happen.

"Did you make coffee? Make it!"--Cheyenne.


Yep. I caught that too. (I just watched this movie on TV.) I almost wish they did NOT include that take because it went 'against the grain' of this film's wry humor and that looked like a real moment. Ya know? But I guess since she really (probably) hurt herself they'd take advantage and keep it since she really gave it her all. Now there's a trouper! A pro.
