Super Mario Bros.

Ok, I know this sounds stupid, but I just had to bring it up. Two of the main characters in this film are Mario and Luigi. One would be lying if they didn't admit that the Luigi character looks almost identical to Mario from the Super Mario Brothers video game. Does this strike anyone else as a great coincidence, or do you think the characters in the movie had anything to do with the video game.

Think this post will officially mark me as a moron on IMDB, but I couldn't keep it to myself. What do you think?


lol, that never even crossed my mind.


Holy crap, it kept crossing my mind!

Yeah right, gaffot.


Definitely crossed my mind. I just kept waiting to hear "It's-a me, Mario!"



What is that move Mario has in Super Smash Brothers-I think it's called the fire punch? Anyway, on the poster they have here, and the scene when Mario hits Jo, it looks like his fire punch. Too bad Dennis Hopper didn't show up as a fire-breathing turtle at the end. But then, the ending of this movie could hardly be any better.


Holy crap! You mean I wasn't alone on this thought?!? That's freaking awesome!


Although it's reversed in the game. Mario is the little tubby guy and luigi is the taller skinnier guy. Interesting thought though :p


It occurred to me, for some reason, when they were rejoicing at being alive in the boulder-strewn valley. "It's Mario and Luigi, back together again," I thought. "Heyyy, wait a minute!" I was certain I couldn't have been the only person to have noticed this--you get the prize for bringing it up first, my friend. Wikipedia lists other sources Nintendo had for the inspiration behind the brothers' names (their landlord and a pizza parlor, respectively), but it would have been awesome if the folks at Nintendo were classic movie fans who opted to use the names, but switch them around for their chubby and lanky protagonists. Wages Of Fear is definitely action-packed enough.

In the scene where the truck blew up, I said aloud, in a Mario Kart Double Dash voice, "Ohh noo! I-a lost-a!"


I think it's just the Italian stereotype people knew in those days. Someone (a bit greasy) with a moustage who is called Mario. Mario and Luigi are quite common Italian names, and the video game characters don't look THAT special.


Yeah I had the same thought really, Perhaps this movie inspied the video game!!


In the scene where the truck blew up, I said aloud, in a Mario Kart Double Dash voice, "Ohh noo! I-a lost-a!"

I cracked up when I read that.


I came to this page just to see if anyone had thought of the similarity. I'm convinced it's the inspiration. The mission, the costuming, and, obviously, the names are just too coincidental. Also, I think that the Japanese are known for watching tons of French films.


me too, when i said it out loud it was hilarious!


I'm actually seeing this film now, and that thought was in my head.

also Luigi is Italian


Don't forget when Jo gets stuck in the slick he does resemble 'Metal Cap Mario' as well.




"Holy crap! You mean I wasn't alone on this thought?!? That's freaking awesome!"
I thought the exact same thing. I was shocked when I saw this topic.

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I thought the outfits went pretty well with the game too



I'm thinking coincidence. Good film, so think whatever you want. Have fun.
