DVD Subtitles

The version of 'Wages of Fear' i've bought has the worst subtitling i've ever seen. It's mostly white on white and for the main part, unreadable. Does anyone know of a better DVD transfer? (The version I have is the World Cimema Collection edition.)


Check out the Criterion Collection release. It's out of print according to Cirterion but, you can get it for about $24 USD at:


I am not sure how long it will be available. I think this is a great version. Keep in mind later in 2005 Criterion will be re-releasing this film with a new transfer and possibly extras so, you might want to wait it out. This website and possibly Ebay are the best places but, since ebay is filled with bootleggs on OOP Criterions I would suggest the Criteriondvd site first.

" technology...an extension of the human body...It's inevitable that it should come home to roost."


I wish I could say the Wages of Fear subtitles on the version in the three-DVD Clouzot Collection by Optimum were good, but alas I cannot

they're readable, but I know enough French to know they are in some cases very far from accurate. and there are no subtitles for the English dialog. and there is no option to remove the subtitles

Optimum usually does a much better job, but in this case, they really blew it. hopefully the other two films in the collection have better subtitles

They'll hang you as sure as 10 dimes will buy a dollar


I have just purchased and watched the Criterion Collection DVD of this great film, and yes...the subtitles ARE small, and very hard to read.

However, having just finished reading the book, I was aware enough to know what was going on.


The Opener of the Way is waiting....
