plot holes

How did Polly's husband immediately know how to open the window of cabin B? Was the back door always unlocked in Cabin B? Polly brought some things for MM. She told the inspector as much. Was it from MM's cabin B and property of MM? How did she obtain them? Can you show me a frame where she was carrying "them" upon leaving? How did Polly get to and from the General Hospital? When Joseph Cotton was inside the bus ticket level he saw his wife walk by the front of that office. She was on her way to the rock shop souvenir place. If she bought two tickets to Chicago and then wanted to go to meet her lover Cotton should have encountered her either in the office or on her way out to door, not just spotting her as she passed the exit. Where exactly did the encounter with the wrench occur? How did the lover lure Cotton anywhere alone? It was MM who told her lover she could take care of getting Georgie anywhere. I still cannot work out a logical way for the shoes to have been swapped unless Cotton got the shoe ticket out of MM's friend's pocket. How did Cotton hope to beg Polly to remain silent? That is, why did he expect to get Polly alone on the scary wet walk? He knew she would be with friends, and in fact was following the group. It was a happenstance she was lagging behind. Did Don Knots have a cameo role as the man who commented about the Canadians playing the American national anthem? Finally, Mr Qua finally gave cabin B to the Cutlers. After all, it was overdue to be vacated. Where did he put MM and hubby's luggage? Oh, the tunes. Was one "June in January".


Don Knotts was not in the movie, but the man I asked about sure sounded like him. I found online the complete cast list!
The answers to my questions might lay on the cutting room floor or have been swept into the dust bin of history.
The other tune, besides "Kiss" and "June in January" (?), seems to have been "Oh, Promise Me". And MM mentioned a corny song her husband would have enjoyed. I could not catch that sentence, because it was garbled or not enunciated. Someone on this chat did understand the entire sentence. "In the Glomy" [sic] Maybe "Gloomy Sunday"?.
