The coolest thing about TMM

The USA release was on the day I was born!
How how is that for coolness.....

Maybe that explains my magnetic personality.
he.. he..


2/18/53? That makes you 17 days younger than me.

You kids never knew how good you had it!


I was already an old timer of 5 and a half when this was released and/or escaped.

The sense itself was I.


To the Deltatron with you!


...and there I am, ignorant of such things not even knowing I would be coming to my first birthday in a couple of days after that.

And, who knew, that about 30 years later I met Jeam Byron still suffering from the effects of exposure to serranium. That is to say -- very attractive!


Hoo was Jeam Byron? Was it sumbuddy related to Lord Byron?

The sense itself was I.


You know, I'd bet she was. She walked in beauty...


Magnetic personality, jeez.....why, if I had a horse I'd horse whip ya for that!


I was an old dude of 3 when it was released.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.
