watchable Brit thriller

I confess a fondness for the semi-noir Brit thrillers from the Forties, Fifties and (well into the) Sixties, that have an obvious B movie pedigree. While Limping Man is no masterpiece it had just enough juice to keep me watching till the end. Among the joys are the London locales and the vaguely familiar British character actors from the era, including a young Jean Marsh as a bored looking bohemian. Limping Man then rates not quite seven stars from me, but a solid six.


I generally agree with your overview of this film. The film was entertaining and I found myself pulled into the plot. There was good plot development and intrigue but the denouement was a major disappointment for me. I think the film could have been better if the protagonist had been living the plot instead of dreaming it. I rated this film five stars. The viewer is cleverly warned of a dream then duped into forgetting it.

As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. - Proverbs 23:7


You could - indeed should - have put a spoiler alert on your thread. You can still edit it.


You are right and I apologize for the oversight. I edited my earlier post to identify and warn of spoilers.

As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. - Proverbs 23:7


I found it pretty boring for the most part. 5/10 is my rating.
