I don't get it.

I saw this play once and I hated it. Not only was the music and plot mediocre, the entire sexist repressed S&M state drove me insane. I understand how it's supposed to be a parody in some light, but still...

Anyone else know what I mean or care to give some insight?


Just your tastes, I guess... Only you would know.


There is sexism from both sides. If "I Hate Men" isn't sexist, I don't know what is. This is because this production showcases how losing faith in a lover can make you lose faith in their whole sex. However, restoration of that love also restores your faith in men or women.

The line about putting her hand under her lord and master's foot was completely appropriate because they were, after all, doing a period play. In those days, showing submission to a man was the same as showing love and respect. It's extra funny because we know that in their "real" lives, Ms. Vanessi would never bow completely to her husband. They'll be fighting about who wears the pants for the rest of their lives.



Most disturbing message in a musical: Carousel ("Mother, can a man hit you, hit you really hard, and it not hurt at all?" Uh .. No! )


"Tony, if you talk that rubbish, I shall be forced to punch your head" - Lord Tony's Wife, Orczy


I hate to say how much I love the music in Carousel and have loved performing in it, but yes, it really does contain some of the most disturbing moments in musical history!

And yes, Annie Get Your Gun Always bothered me, too, but Carousel is more disturbing.
