Beans Reardon---Umpire

An interesting side note here is the appearance of famed National League ump, John (Beans) Reardon. Reardon was a very well respected long serving Major League ump, who appears in the film as an umpire. He had by this time retired and adds a great note of authticity to this fairy tale baseball story.


There is a scene in the movie where Reardon carries Chrissie off the field after he ejects him from the game-the funniest scene in this movie. He was the only pint sized manager in the history of the MLB! Of course, it's only fiction.

I don't feed trolls--I eat them(for breakfast!!)



Yeah--Reardon wouldn't (and couldn't) do that with an adult; I guess he did this to show what a big man he is.


The umpire's act didn't bother me as much as the truant officer. Real storm trooper. Sieg Heil.
