Insurance Scam?

Was Piggy attempting insurance fraud? The fake name, being secretly in Paris instead of Africa, and letting Lorelei take the fall point to this, but it wasn't emphasized.



I was confused about that whole situation as well. I don't think it was a scam, since he told the insurance examiner where to find the tiara. But that leaves a few questions:

- How did Piggy get it back? Presumably he stole it from Lorelei, but when?
- Why secretly take it back from Lorelei after he ratted her out? He was going to get it back anyway thanks to the trial. What was the rush?
- What happened to his wife? She was with the insurance examiner, then she disappeared.
- How did the detective know Piggy had it with him? I guess it was a hunch, but he seemed pretty sure of himself.


I think the idea was that Piggy was seriously flirting with Lorelei (who was just doing her usual thing but not very serious about it, since it turns out she did actually love her fiance in her own strange way) and didn't want his wife to know about it. He especially didn't want his wife to know that he'd given her favorite bit of jewelry (the tiara) to a pretty blonde.

As for all the contortions he went through to get it back on the sly, aside from how stupid some old guys can get over young women, it's a romantic comedy and satire, so I think those are just the usual dramatic twists and reversals in such films.

The Historical Meow


I'd like to know about that last part too. :)


Perhaps you should read the book. No donut the answers are in there.

Bored now.


That's my guess. What a bastard.
