To git Danny....!!!!

Hi all you loverly Calamity fans.

Was wondering if any of you guys have a favourite line from Calamity Jane?

My friend Carol and I love to do this when one of us is leaving to go somewhere.

"Where ya goin Calam?"

"To git Danny!"

It cracks us up!!!!

Any favourites share.

from Calamity Tara x


Mine's a tie between:

"I fell in the crick"


"You left Danny like I wouldn't leave a sick dog!"


'Why, I got more arrows in the backa that coach than a porcupine's got stickers!'
'Cain't wear shoes crossin' th'crick!'

I've said both of those lines a couple of times around my friends...always good for a laugh.


"Come to think of it..that ain't so funny!" (Always a good one if you're laughing at yourself)

"For the sake of civic virtue they've got fountains" (It just tickles me)

And I love the all the lyrics of Honey Bee, such gentle humour, but hilarious.

Got any grollings?..


Yes , yes I agree all good!!! In fact there are so many things I enjoy in that film you couldn't list. I find the gentle humour so appealing, particularly as nowadays things are so gruesome or vlugar.

What other musicals are you in to?


Aaaagh the shoes thing...excellent, good call.

I also like "Look at these, silk, pure silk. I'll bet her mother spun 'em".

Timeless fun!!!!


There was a line in a song that rhymed "I've got a bell for yer" with "Philadelphia" which has to be one of the most strangulated rhymes ever.

We went last night to a recent print screened at a gay/lesbian film festival - several of the many women dressed as cowpeople. We all had a ball. It's such a good-natured movie (if you ignore the sexism, the casual shooting of Indigenous Americans and the complete absence of Blacks).

They wish
to cure us
but I say
we are the cure

and more at


To Rattlesnake (Chubby Johnson) "Tha next time Ah tell a story keep yer hands in your pockets!"


It's more the delivery, but Katie's shocked "You're... You're a woman?"


it's the line in the song "and never under estimate a woman's touch" makes me smile every time

Thunderbirds Aren't Slow


Definitely 'To git Danny!' for me.

*~*~*~My other signature is 'Why has the rum gone?'~*~*~*


Sexism and casual shooting, I'll give you that, but in the time when this movie was set (from the technology shown and just general feeling, it's no earlier than very early 1800s), African-Americans were almost exclusively slaves, and these people were not really rich enough to be slave owners (plus we never really saw anyone on a farm or in a -real- home, or really any place that a slave would be). So the fact that we see no African-Americans - not so surprising.


My favorite line, has to be near the end of the film. Wild Bill finds the gun, in the skirt of her bridal gown, and asks, "what's this?" She smiles and says...."well....that's just in case any more actresses, roll in from Chicagy!" It still cracks me up. :O)

I love. That is all. But I love strongly, exclusively..steadfastly.


In My Bosom you're the Dagger
you're a mangy Carpetbagger
in the kettle, you're the Stew,
I could do without you!!

I just watched the Movie for the umpteenth time and I can't get that song out of my head! I love that line.


I like so many, but my favorite would probably be Bill's line in the exchange:

Calam: You callin' me a liar again?
Bill: (shoots her gun out of her hands) Why don't ya ever fix yer hair?




Bill: "She ain't very good lookin'..."

Calamity: "That ain't all she ain't!

"Thank you, thank you--you're most kind. In fact you're every kind."


(to camera) "I got a strange feelin' somebody's bein' hustled!" (Calam after "Adelaid" quickly accepts offer)



How About "your the tack inside my shoe" or
"In the theatre your the 'boo'"?


I love "She charmed him HOG-EYED!!" The delivery especially,lol.


In Chicago, outside a wig shop window display:
"Scalps....a masacree"

Then she thinks the wooden indian is real
"I'll be hornswaggled"


When the guys are saying she ain't very pretty (about Francis Fryer): Calamity says: "that ain't all she ain't).

While removing the silk stockings Katie gave her: "I'll bet her mother spun 'em".
