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If this theme appealed to anyone (the woman with amnesia murdering her boyfriend/husband bit) I saw an episode of Boston Legal that seems to borrow from it. Hired Guns, s1e10. The amnesia theme is common in this movie genre of course, I just thought it may be interesting to someone, this specific a connection.

Just read Agatha Christie famously claimed to suffer from Amnesia in a weird domestic dispute that may have been a publicity stunt, no murder there though, just interesting..


In terms of similar stories, Hitchcock's Blackmail (1929) definitely rings a bell : you have a girl who feels estranged by her man and ends up secretly spending an evening with an artist (painter) at his place. The painter gets violent, and (spoilers ahead) she does kill him. The twist : her boyfriend is a detective working on the case, and he soon finds out his own girl did the deed.
