Cyd Charise's Legs - OMG!

There is a pair of show stopper legs in that green dress and tights. Her dance with Kelly in the Broadway Ballet sequence is amazing. That woman's legs in green tights make the entire film. My husband just stopped in his tracks once to watch her dance and when it was over he said "that woman's thighs are deadly." I agree. She was fantastic.

-- Ew lover, you gonna make me clutch my pearls --


Cyd was known for her legs and they were fantastic in that dance sequence.

Its that man again!!


  

We are doomed.


Cyd Charise was amazing and talented woman.


She had incredible legs and was so talented and beautiful.


I agree. OMG! What legs! But not only did Charise look good, she had a lot of talent too.

An earlier comment mentioned Betty Grable and Marlene Dietrich. Yes, they were both famous for their legs. Betty Grable (also a dancer) was perhaps the first person to have their legs insured. And Marlene Dietrich is the one who said...

"Darling the legs aren't so beautiful, I just know what to do with them."

I disagree, her legs WERE beautiful. Of course Hollywood had a lot of lovely gams back then. It was a different place. Bette Davis said, "I often think that a slightly exposed shoulder emerging from a long satin nightgown packs more sex than two naked bodies in bed." Someone should tell that to modern producers!


Those legs and that dress were a deadly combination. It's not just the cut that goes all the way up, it's the color. It suited her perfectly although from what I've heard that shade of green works for just about every woman. And I'll also admit that green is one of my favorite colors.

But if you really want to talk legs there's three women that were known for them.

Betty Grable
Marlene Dietrich
Rita Hayworth

Okay, maybe Rita's weren't as well known as Betty and Marlene but she was a total knockout.


Yowza. Those were some legs all right.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


She was amazing. Sequence with her was maybe the best part of the whole film. Pure cinema!
