MovieChat Forums > The Quiet Man (1952) Discussion > Things we have learned from the Quiet Ma...

Things we have learned from the Quiet Man..

1. Red paint is more durable

2. Pittsburgh is apparantly in Massachusetts

3. Mary-Kate's red hair is no lie

4. The Mayo hurlers havn't been beaten west of the shannon in a while

Anything else we have learned??


1. that red will danaher is a man from inisfree and the best man.

2. do not play patty-fingers in the holy water.

3. when you drink whiskey you drink whiskey and when you drink water you drink water


1. Horses are good for other things, like manure.

2. Rose bushes cannot grow a decent potato.

3. Priests really dig boxing.

4. Its always a good idea to take a beer break during a fight so the neighboring towns can come over to watch also.

5. Sleeping bags have buttons.


1. Always wipe your muddy boots!

2. I can, I will and I DO!

3. The Quiet man is "Homeric"

4. Some things a man doesn't get over so easy

5 It's a good Christian act to clean a neighbor's home.

Just for now... ;)

PS And John Wayne is the best kisser in Hollywood, Ireland or anywhere else!




In Ireland,rounds in fights ends when the fighters enter a Pub

Oh GOOD!,my dog found the chainsaw


When a man is knocked cold, his past flashes before his eyes.


Beating a lady with a stick is a perfectly acceptable practice.

Priests enjoy watching a good old fashioned Donnybrook.

Horses have more sense than their owners.

The Marquis of Queensbury rules will be observed on all occasions....but not really.

He's taking the knife out of the Cheese!
Do you think he wants some cheese?


1. Irish men prefer drinking and singing in saloons and totally ignoring a beautiful lass like Maureen O'Hara.


That a woman canna live with a man she is ashamed of.


When Irishmen get together, they *may* just be 'talking a little treason'

"Void Where Prohibited"
Like Ozzy Osbourne did at The Alamo???



1. If you say three, you'll never hear the man count ten.

2. Wipe your feet!

3. It's good manners not to hit the man until he's your husband and entitled to hit you back.


Somebody who threw a punch you could see from three feet away, leading with his right (Wayne) , could beat a former professional heavyweight (McLaglen).


Writing a man's name down in a notepad and striking a line through it is a form of evil eye.


- If your new husband drags you along roughly by the scruff of your neck, you should cheerfully offer to make him dinner.

- A broken bed is sometimes just a broken bed.




- When arguing, Parlimentary Procedure should be observed

- To catch the BIG salmon, keep it's head up

- Ireland may be a poor country but a married man sleeps in a bed

- Tony Gadello was a good egg

- The Borgias could do better than buttermilk

- The back door is good enough for visiting

- A clean floor (sans spit) is grand

- Catholic priests have mothers

- You need to know how to ride a bicycle in order to sit on the back of a tandem

- You should let the light shine on the music

- There are many who know Knockanore who don't know Innisfree

- The 8:00 Dublin train is always late

- If you tell someone that they told a lie, be prepared to fight

- Daisy's are fresher than black-eyed Susan's

- You should begin at the beginning

- Sean Thornton is 6'4-1/2" (not 6'6")

- By bidding 10 pounds over the highest bid, you generally win auctions

- the black beer is the porter

- to frighten off intruders, throw a rock through a window and howl

- Mary Kate Danaher packs a wallop

- MKD is not a woman to be honked at

- Terrible thirst causes mirages

- matchmakers in Ireland wear official black suits

- you should not cheat at tiddlywinks

- protocol dictates that the oldest priest in a room has dibs on the piano

- now we know why there are so many rock walls in Ireland

- one horse = 1 horsepower

- In Wordsworth's "Peter Bell" poem, the second line rhymes with brim


Very good! Thanks for the smile. Happy St. Patrick's Day


I learned that if I'm fighting someone and I stop for a break, I'm not to drink whiskey because it will 'get my blood up'. Porter is the drink.


A good donnybrook will bring even a dying man back from the brink...


I can't say that's true, but I won't say it's not.


999. Horse's know when to stop in front of Pub


1. Here, we pronounce it "CO-Han".

2. When a man's your husband he's entitled to hit you back.

3. The Widow's family has been in Ireland since the Normans came.

4. When betting commences, the consumption of intoxicating beverages will cease. I mean that now!

5. A donnybrook can raise the sick from their beds.

6. If a priest is wearing just trousers he can vault a gate.

7. White o' Mornin' is just a small, humble cottage.

8. I didn't see the foul from Father Paul.

9. All Yanks are millionaires.

10. God Bless All in This House.

11. Elizabeth was born here too you know.

12. I'm sorry I ever got married 'cause the humor is off me now.

13. I won't say it's true and I can't say it's not, but there's been talk!



Men, if you're willing to fight for our people, I want you!


Outside of priests, ministers and bartenders, NO ONE has a job in an Irish village, yet everyone appears well-fed, well-dressed and never hard up for money.

"May I bone your kipper, Mademoiselle?"
