The Soundtrack

I'm unable to, so far, to to find any information about the soundtrack online.

Inparticular there is a piano theme introduced in the second secend segment, during the introductory shot of the Maison, and it resurfaces through in places...

It's quite the most haunting theme, and signficantly adds to the beauty of the film, I would say. I imagine perhaps even a standard, or recognised piece rather an an original part of the score, but I would love to know if anyone knows what it is, or has any info on it.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who noticed...

If nothing else, I'm glad to give the film, and to those invovled, even all these years later, a little acknowledgement, even on a tucked away IMDB thread.


I don't know about the Maison segment theme, but the theme opening the movie, appearing in the church scene and ending the film is Mozart's Ave verum corpus, in an instrumental version


I believe I know what you are talking about in the Maison segment - not Mozart. It surprised me to hear the theme, since it was used in the "Cousin Bette" film, as an instrumental theme and with Elizabeth Shue, as a performer, singing lyrics to it. The soundtrack CD of Bette, which I have, states that the piece is adaptated from Pierre de Beranger, evidentally the composer.


Mozart's Ave verum corpus, in an instrumental version

In fact from Tchaikovsky's orchestral suite, Mozartiana.

Scostatevi profani! Melpomene son io...
