Bill and Edie's

The restaurant where the two stars dined just before the big fight was named "Bill and Edie's". Do you think this was an homage to Bill and Edie Goetz, Louis Mayer's son-in-law and daughter?


I thought it was called "Lindy's" or "Lucky's" or something. Because Mike (Tracy's character) said something to the effect that "I'll never be able to show my face at Lindy's again!"


It is Lindy's, a famous New York restaurant.



Lindy's is the restaurant in New York where they were in the beginning of the movie...where he ordered for, wouldn't let her smoke, etc. What he meant was that he wouldn't be able to show his face in his hangout in NY. Bill and Edie's was in whatever state that the golf tournament was taking place, not NY.


It's "Lindy's", a famous New York restaurant.

