The dogs

I think this movie has one of the most random moments in movie history, after Jack meets the prince for the first time, and is subsequently kidnapped, Jack calls for the prince and a pack of dogs attack for no reason at all? Was it an on set joke?! There was no rhyme or reason to it!! :D

Ray, if someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!!!


They were all named "Prince", a popular dog name.


Interesting information that you are giving. I have not seen this movie in quite sometime and it is on tonight. I am looking forward to watching it.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


Well I know through time just like babies names are pretty popular when a young couple are having their first child or two they tend to go with what is popular and I have also heard that pets names what is popular at the time some people will go with. So I am sure that Prince was a popular name at one time to name a dog.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


My little puppy is named Molly. I was really surprised at first about the number of people we ran into who either had a dog named Molly or a relative named Molly. Still a very popular name around here.


Cool that your puppys name is Molly. Yeah that can be a popular name even with people.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show! Https://


Costello has just called out "The prince! The prince!" 1955 was when a lot of people named their dogs Prince. Silly, but simple enough.


The exact line is "Oh, Prince. Oh, Prince. Hey, Prince!" Prince being a common dog name attracted all the dogs.


I'm sorry you missed that joke. Even my grandma had a purebred collie named, Prince. As a kid, I got the joke right off. Oh well, joke appreciation depends upon the context and what is commonly known or understood by the audience.
