Ivanhoe/Heavy Metal

A point of some interest:

What I think is the Ivanhoe theme is ridiculously close to the score that Elmer Bernstein wrote for the Taarna segment of Heavy Metal (1981). Definite influence, methinks. Though one could say Bernstein outright copied.


I haven't seen Heavy Metal so I'm not sure if this is what you're referring to, but what you call the "Ivanhoe theme" might be a melody originally written by medieval troubadour Giraut de Bornelh, which is used throughout the whole Ivanhoe score. This song is sometimes called "Alba", sometimes "Reis glorios", and has been recorded in several different versions.


I see! Thanks for the info. I'll try to track it down.



Both what? Miklos Rozsa wrote the Ivanhoe score.
