elizabeth taylor

did elizabeth taylor always play the "temptor" or am i missing something??????????


Temptress. And yes, fairly often in those early pictures.


See her in Who's Afraid of Viginia Woolf? if you're loking for a change.


She is remarkably beautiful in this film.



I dont think so. She was much better in black white films such as, Father of the Bride or A Place in the Sun. For color films, she was also better in Elephant Walk or Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. I don't know why, but I hate the color of this film.


I think Liz Taylor's unwordly beauty left her little choice. She could not play the "girl next door" because no girl next door ever looked liked that. My favorite scene in this movie is when her character is accused of being a witch. Fast forward this scene 8 to 10 years and people were saying the same things about Taylor in the real world.

"Hot sun, cool breeze, white horse on the sea, and a big shot of vitamin B in me!"



Jew, Christian, Muslim or from the planet beyond beyond... she was incredibly beautiful during those early years. Those eyes...

Step on it! And don't spare the atoms!


The way Elizabeth Taylor looked back then made Joan Fontaine, herself no slouch in the looks department, look almost plain.

Still, it's a great movie.


The way Elizabeth Taylor looked back then made Joan Fontaine, herself no slouch in the looks department, look almost plain.

I was thinking the same exact thing. Joan was very, very, very pretty in this movie, but Elizabeth's beauty was almost supernatural in its intensity. It doesn't help that Joan had 15-something years on Elizabeth, too (BTW, in the book, Wilfred and Rowena were supposed to be only in their twenties).

No blah, blah, blah!


She was so particular about her eyes that at some point in her career she made it a part of her contract that the eye pencils used to make her up had to be kept in a refrigerator to keep them perfectly sharp.
