MovieChat Forums > The Greatest Show on Earth Discussion > Are the costumes from wrong decade?

Are the costumes from wrong decade?

The movie takes place in 1941 but the costumes in my opinion look like from the 50s when this movie was made. I think this is obvious but nobody has mentioned this anywhere I could see so am I wrong?


Curious. What makes you say the film is set in 1941?


Did you make it up about the story being set in 1941?

"The internet is for lonely people. People should live." Charlton Heston


I just watched the movie this past weekend. At no point is any year mentioned. When Cornell Wilde first appears, he tells Heston, "In the war, I drove a tank..." I assumed he meant World War Two. So the audience should figure the events occur in the "present."
"May I bone your kipper, Mademoiselle?"


No - not 1941.

During one of the pageant parades, Hopalong Cassidy appears.

The Ringmaster announces just prior that there's a special guest that the kids will love - which refers to Hopalong's popular appeal due to his television presence. NOT 1941.

"Don't call me 'honey', mac."
"Don't call me 'mac'... HONEY!"


THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH is most certainly set in the year it was filmed - 1951.
