Really funny sequel

Like Cheaper by the dozen, I thought this was a really good movie and it was very enjoyable to watch both of the films together.As one person already said its hard to not like the Gilbreths and their antics.


I was surprise to see that this was based on the true story. I loved seeing Jeffrey Hunter.


I really enjoyed it too, but I had no trouble believing that this was a real family. My own family has its antics, and imagine how much bigger they'd be times twelve.


It is a shame that more families are not like them. No morals. But plent of I want.


I think this is one of hollywoods most delightful movies from the hay-days
of the golden era

what a marvelous example for family life


Mr Hobbs takes a Vacation is a similar idea pretty good caught it over Christmas

Yeah that wasn't on Sky Movies by any chance was it.That's another nice movie good to watch around Christmas.


Generally,sequels do not live up to the first film.I do feel that Cheaper By The Dozen is the superior movie,but Belles On Their Toes is fun & has a charm to it which makes it enjoyable to watch.


I love the old song Stardust and I can't get over that Hoagie Carmichael landed such a funny part in this.
