Not THAT bad for a buck...

Just watched this movie after picking it up for a dollar at Wal-Mart. (The Dollar Tree stores sell great (bad) $1 movies too)
Some people seem to have really high expectations for a $1 movie!
Yes the Martin/Lewis rip-off is pretty bad, but that was one of the surprises that made it so good in my opinion. Of course I appreciate bad "old" movies. I bought it mainly because I knew with Bela Lugosi and a title like it had, it HAD TO BE BAD! That what makes it so good! As a bonus, the chimpanzee Ramona, is actually CHEETA from the classic (and best) Johnny Weismuller Tarzan movies! That alone is worth a buck too. Personaly, I'll take Digiview's $1 movies over most of the $20 modern junk any day.


I just got this for a buck too.


I got this DVD at Wal-Mart for a dollar a couple of years ago and being a fan of "so bad they're good" movies, I like it. Those folks who pay their dollar and complain about this (or any other bad movie, $1 or otherwise) just don't get the "joke" about the badness! But now here's some irony, a month ago I grabbed the last copy of a $1 DVD at Wal-Mart of...wait for it..."CHARADE" with Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn! It is "the best Hitchcock movie that Hitchcock never made". WOW This was an UNEXPECTED, AMAZING find!!!

"...and your suffering will be legendary even in Hell!!"



i didn't know anything about this movie before i started watching it, if it was a horror, comedy, documentary or what, just that it had a very strange title. notice one of the people doing a jerry lewis act, i thought for a while it was the real one, goes on for a long time too without bela lugosi appearing, i thought for a while i had the wrong movie. i think this is the oldest movie i've seen with so many product placements in it. the stock footage does not mix well! i wonder in how many of the bela lugosi movies that has him working in a lab.

in the blue sky with madeleine,
came trouble with the engine on the airplane,
from the white clouds parachute opened up,
aiming for this little island below if you miss the shore,
your ample bosom would for sure keep you afloat,
with plenty of fruit on land and fishes in the sea,
sand smooth like an undiscovered beach,
dont go too near the wildlife that might be in the bushes back,
i couldn't stand to see your precious self getting scratched,
on this deserted island with all i crave,
i feel no need for a boat to madeleine and me save,
no message in a bottle to send by the waves,
and one secret ill never be telling,
that i had tampered with the engine.

