Some corrections needed

I love this show --every one is a masterpiece, however I keep noting
mistakes in the synopsis~
SISTER PAT--doesn't exist, her name is Beverly Davis on the series
JOAN'S FRIEND VI--doesn't exist, her name is Clara Foster MARY JANE CROFT--was never on the series--Helen Cavanaugh was played by
Adele Jergins and another actress that wasn't Mary Jane.
TOM PETERS--played Beverly's only boyfriend on the show, about five different episodes, yet his name is nowhere to be found--on any cast list.
the episode where Joan opens Brad's mail, and inflates the rubber liferaft
was directly stolen by Carl Reiner and used on the Dick Van Dyke show 10
years later.


How right you are....whenever there is a retrospect on early TV comedy

somehow Miss Davis's name is never mentioned...she was brilliant...


Was unaware that episode was stolen by Carl Reiner. Shameful!
