Alan Spaulding not dead!

Since it's a soap opera, the great Alan Spaulding is not really dead of course. If the show were still on, we would find out that he faked his death for some reason. So this thread is for speculation. Everyone can play.

WHY did Alan fake his death (good or bad reason?/Or did somebody else fake it) How did he fake his death? Who if anyone helped him. Who knows that he's alive? Where did he go? How will he return to Springfield/explain his absence?

Will his fake death make him a hero or a heel?

The night Max wore his wolf suit and made mischief of one kind and another


I stopped watching the show a few years before it was cancelled, but I always read about it on the Net. I was shocked they killed off Alan after he saved Phillip's life. Alan really did some horrible things to his adopted son, but I guess deep down he did love him.


Dont know how or why he would have faked his death, but it would have been interesting if he had come back considering that they had him cremated. Reminds me of the episode of Friends when Joey was up for a Soapy and one of the guys he was up against survived his own cremation on the soap he was on.


Well obviously, they cremated a different body.

The night Max wore his wolf suit and made mischief of one kind and another


Give it a rest. He's dead. That's what happens when they cancel the show. The dead stay dead. There are no magical resurrections anymore.


It's meant to be fun. Geeze.

The night Max wore his wolf suit and made mischief of one kind and another


Lucifer couldn't stand the competition when Alan schemed with many fellow soap villains in Hell to take over Lucifer's throne, so Alan was sent packing back to mortality. And Roger is not far behind him !


"It's meant to be fun. Geeze."

I understand that.

But Alan died a meaningful death. He gave his son Philip a new life. He gave his grand kids back their father. He gave Beth back the love of her life. His death brought Alex and Fletcher back together. His death was a noble one. It meant something. He died a better man. A man he and his family could be proud of. Leave it at that.


Alan's death was sad, but he died a hero, and it redeemed him. Other villains like Roger and Bradley died off screen having been apparently redeemed as well. It's a sign of hope that people can change their ways.

"Great theater makes you smile. Outstanding theater may make you weep."


If the show was still on the air I think Alan would still be dead. I mean look at John Abbott from Y&R and Stephanie Forrester from B&B for an example? They have not been brought back from the dead. I mean Phillip is alive he could run things for Spaulding like Jack is doing for Jabot. Like Brooke should be doing on B&B instead of sneaking around with Bill Spencer again. It was bad when they brought Dr. Taylor Hayes back from the dead only to kill Darla Einstein off the show.
